Aspect Ratio Calculators

By Calculator Hub

Welcome to our aspect ratio calculators, where you can find apps, tools, and resources to help you calculate, scale, and find the aspect ratio that perfectly matches your photo or video projects.

To assist you in finding the desired aspect ratio for your image, video, or display, we have organized all standard aspect ratios into two categories, landscape, and portrait, along with their names and sample resolutions.


The following ratios represent landscape orientations in which the width is greater than the height (W > H) or the ratio value is larger than one (W/H > 1).

Ratio W:HRatio W/HNameExample
5:41.25Older televisions, monitors, and cameras1280 x 1024 (SXGA)
4:31.3333Older televisions, monitors, and cameras1024 x 768 (XGA)
1.43:11.4333IMAX 70mm and True IMAX1548 x 1080
16:101.6Displays for monitors, laptops, tablets1920 x 1200 (FHD+)
16:91.7778Standard format for wide images and videos1920 x 1080 (FHD)
3:21.5Landscape photo size, productivity displays1800 x 1200
6:41.5Equivalent to 3:21620 x 1080
21:92.3333Ultra-wide monitor2520 x 1080 (WFHD)
64:272.3704Variation of 21:9 ultra-wide monitor2560 x 1080 (WFHD+)
43:182.3889Variation of 21:9 ultra-wide monitor3440 x 1440 (WQHD)
12:52.4Variation of 21:9 ultra-wide monitor2880 x 1200
32:93.5556Super ultra-wide monitor3840 x 1080 (DFHD)
48:95.3333Triple wide displays5760 x 1080
64:97.1111Quad wide displays7680 x 1080


The following ratios represent portrait orientations where the width is smaller than the height (W < H) or the ratio value is less than one (W/H < 1).

Ratio W:HRatio W/HNameExample
1:20.5Smart phone displays1080 x 2160
9:160.5625Tall photos, videos, and HDTV1080 x 1920
2:30.667Portrait photos and productivity monitors1080 x 1680
4:60.667Equivalent to 2:3 ratio1200 x 1800
5:70.71Framed photos and greeting cards1500 x 2100
3:40.75Portrait photos and older televisions1080 x 1440
8.5:110.77Poster or large print to frame3400 x 4400
4:50.8Portrait photos and older televisions1080 x 1350
8:100.8Equivalent to 4:5 ratio2400 x 3000
16:180.889Stack up dual wide monitors2560 x 2880 (SDQHD)

If you cannot find a specific aspect ratio, please use our aspect ratio calculator to input any aspect ratio you want to calculate. The calculator will display its orientation, physical width, height, diagonal, pixel density, and more.