Last updated: February 01, 2025

Byte to MB Converter

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In this article, we’ll show you how to convert data from bytes (B) to megabytes (MB). We will cover essential definitions, provide examples, share relevant formulas, and present tables, along with answers to common questions.

Definitions of Byte and MB

Let’s get started by understanding the key definitions and differences between Byte and Megabyte. Understanding these terms will allow you to perform conversions confidently.

What is byte (B)?

A Byte (B) is a standard unit of digital information used for data storage. It consists of 8 bits, which gives it a total of 256 possible values (from 0 to 255).

1 Byte equals 8 bits
1 Byte = 8 bits = 256 possible values

With such amount of potential values, a byte can represent many fundamental digital information, including characters in the ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) encoding system, numbers, color components, network packets, control code, and other information that fits in a byte.

What is Megabyte (MB)?

A megabyte (MB) is a unit of measurement for data storage used to measure files or memory that are large in size, typically between one million and one billion bytes.

It has symbols or abbreviations such as MB, Mbyte, MiB, or Mibyte.

When using International System of Units (SI) prefixes[1], which are based on powers of 10, a megabyte (MB) equals 1,000,000 bytes (1 MB = 106 = 1,000,000 B).

The table below shows all the SI prefixes and the associated symbols, multipliers, and colloquial.

SI Prefixes
International System of Units (SI) prefixes

When using International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) binary prefixes[2], which are based on powers of 2, a megabyte (MB) equals 1,048,576 bytes (1 MB = 220 = 1,048,576 B)

The IEC defined a set of binary prefixes to avoid confusion with the decimal-based SI prefixes. The table below shows all the binary prefixes, associated symbols, and its multipliers.

Binary Prefixes for Byte

Here is a comparison between the binary and SI prefixes for data storage:

  • 1 MB = 106 = 1,000,000 B
  • 1 MiB = 220 = 1,048,576 B

For general communication, you can use SI prefixes as they are familiar with the metric system, while for more accurate contexts, you should use IEC binary prefixes.

Byte to megabyte formula

Let’s take a closer look at the conversion formula so you can carry out these conversions independently, whether using a calculator or doing it manually with pencil and paper.

Using decimal (SI) prefixes

The mega- prefix in the International System of Units (SI) represents a multiplier of 1,000,000 (106). So, to convert from byte to megabyte, divide the number of bytes (NB) by the multiplier (1,000,000).

NMB = NB ÷ 1,000,000

$$\text{N}_\text{MB} = \frac{\text{N}_\text{B}}{1{,}000{,}000}$$

Or remember the B-to-MB conversion factor: 1 B = 1/1,000,000 MB

Using binary (IEC) prefixes

The mebi- prefix in the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) represents a multiplier of 1,048,576 (220). So, to convert from byte to megabyte (or mebibyte), divide the number of bytes (NB) by the multiplier (1,048,576).

NMiB = NB ÷ 1,048,576

$$\text{N}_\text{MiB} = \frac{\text{N}_\text{B}}{1{,}048,576}$$

Or remember the B-to-MiB conversion factor: 1 B = 1/1,048,576 MiB


Now, let's take a look at an example that illustrates the calculations required to convert from bytes to megabytes (B to MB)?


You have a folder with 200 Word documents, each with a size under 5,000 bytes (B). You want to know if the entire folder can be sent as an email attachment, given that your email service provider has a maximum attachment size limit of 2 megabytes (MB).

Using decimal (SI) prefixes

To know the total size of the folder in megabyte (MB), we need to know the size of the word document in MB first by using the following formula:

$$\text{N}_\text{MB} = \frac{\text{N}_\text{B}}{1{,}000{,}000}$$
$$\text{N}_\text{MB} = \frac{5{,}000}{1{,}000{,}000} = 0.005 \text{ MB}$$

Alternatively, you can use our calculator by entering 5,000 into the b box, and you instantly get the storage value in megabytes, in this case, 0.005 MB.

Convert 5,000 bytes to megabytes with our calculator
Convert 5,000 bytes to megabytes using our calculator.

To calculate the total size of the folder, which contains 200 word documents, in megabytes:

$$\text{Folder}_\text{MB} = 200 \times 0.005 = 1 \text{ MB}$$

Using binary (IEC) prefixes

To know the total size of the folder in megabyte (MB), we need to know the size of the word document in MB first by using the following formula:

$$\text{N}_\text{MB} = \frac{\text{N}_\text{B}}{1{,}048{,}576}$$
$$\text{N}_\text{MB} = \frac{5{,}000}{1{,}048{,}576} ≈ 0.004768 \text{ MB}$$

Alternatively, you can use our calculator by entering 5,000 into the b box, and you instantly get the storage value in megabytes, in this case, 0.004768 MB.

Convert 5,000 bytes to mebibytes with our calculator
Convert 5,000 bytes to megabytes using our calculator.

To calculate the total size of the folder, which contains 200 word documents, in megabytes:

$$\text{Folder}_\text{MB} = 200 \times 0.004768 = 0.9536 \text{ MB}$$

Since 0.9536 MB or 1 MB is less than 2 MB, the folder can be sent via email.

Byte to megabyte conversion table

The conversion table below provides a handy reference for converting data storage capacity from bytes (B) to megabytes (MB) and mebibytes (MiB). It covers a range from 0.1 B to 1,000 B, allowing for easy and quick conversions between these units of measurement.

0.1 B0.0000001 MB0.000000095367431640625 MiB
0.5 B0.0000005 MB0.000000476837158203125 MiB
1 B0.000001 MB0.00000095367431640625 MiB
2 B0.000002 MB0.0000019073486328125 MiB
4 B0.000004 MB0.000003814697265625 MiB
5 B0.000005 MB0.00000476837158203125 MiB
10 B0.00001 MB0.0000095367431640625 MiB
20 B0.00002 MB0.000019073486328125 MiB
30 B0.00003 MB0.0000286102294921875 MiB
40 B0.00004 MB0.00003814697265625 MiB
50 B0.00005 MB0.0000476837158203125 MiB
60 B0.00006 MB0.000057220458984375 MiB
70 B0.00007 MB0.0000667572021484375 MiB
80 B0.00008 MB0.0000762939453125 MiB
90 B0.00009 MB0.0000858306884765625 MiB
100 B0.0001 MB0.000095367431640625 MiB
200 B0.0002 MB0.00019073486328125 MiB
500 B0.0005 MB0.000476837158203125 MiB
800 B0.0008 MB0.000762939453125 MiB
1000 B0.001 MB0.00095367431640625 MiB
Bytes to megabytes and mebibtyes conversion table.


Is 1 byte or 1 megabyte larger?

A megabyte (MB) is a million times bigger than a byte (B). Here are the relationships between the units:

Decimal prefixes

  • 1 MB = 1,000,000 B
  • 1 B = 1 ÷ 1,000,000 = 0.000001 MB

Binary prefixes

  • 1 MiB = 1,048,576 B
  • 1 B = 1 ÷ 1,048,576 = 0.000000095367431640625 MiB

How to convert from byte to megabyte?

To convert data storage from bytes (B) to megabytes (MB), follow these simple steps based on the standard you are using:

  • Write down the data storage value in bytes (B).

Decimal (SI) prefixes

  • Multiply it by the value of a B-to-MB conversion factor: 1/1,000,000.
  • The result from multiplication is the value of the data storage in megabytes (MB).

Binary (IEC) prefixes

  • Multiply it by the value of a B-to-MiB conversion factor: 1/1,048,576.
  • The result from multiplication is the value of the data storage in mebibytes (MiB).

You now know how to convert data storage capacity from bytes (B) to megabytes (MB). You can quickly use our calculator to convert between the data storage units to save time for future calculations.

For further understanding, check our data storage converter page to learn more about the differences between decimal and binary units of data storage.

Byte to MB Converter

About this app

Byte to MB Converter

The byte to megabyte (B to MB) converter is a simple tool for converting data storage between bytes (B) and megabytes (MB), with explanations, formulas, examples, and tables.


You can use the calculator for free as a PWA web app online or install it locally on any modern operating system, including Android, iOS, Windows 11/10, and macOS.

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2 Sources

  1. ⬆️ Metric (SI) Prefixes | NIST, NIST, Jan. 13, 2010. (accessed Jan. 31, 2025).
  2. ⬆️ IEC 60027-2 Letter symbols to be used in electrical technology - Part 2: Telecommunications and electronics.