Last updated: April 17, 2024

Data Transfer Rate Converter

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What is a data transfer speed converter?

A data transfer speed converter is an online tool or app designed to help you convert network or internet speed or bandwidth from one unit of measurement to another. 

Commonly used measurement units describe data transfer speed or internet bandwidth, such as Kilobits per second (Kbps), Megabits per second (Mbps), and Gigabits per second (Gbps). 

It is often necessary to clarify whether you refer to Megabytes per second (MBps) or Megabits per second (Mbps) when you use the abbreviation Mbps. Making assumptions can lead to inaccurate estimates of how long it will take to download a document or movie online. That's why the data transfer speed converter can help you convert between Mbps and MBps and other data transfer speed measurements.

1 Mbps data transfer speed conversion
Example of data transfer speed conversion using our calculator

Our converter explicitly supports more than just the standard bit and byte data unit. We also add support for bibit and bibyte, which use the binary system instead of the base-10 decimal system.

Check out the explanation section of our data storage converter page to learn more about the differences between bit, byte, bibit, and bibyte data measurement.

Unit conversion table and formula

The table below is a conversion sheet for converting from bit per second, the smallest measurement unit of data transfer speed, to various units, prefixes, and systems.

bit per second (SI units)
bit/sbit/s1 bps1
bit/sKilobit/s0.001 Kbps1 x 10⁻³
bit/sMegabit/s0.000001 Mbps1 x 10⁻⁶
bit/sGigabit/s1e-9 Gbps1 x 10⁻⁹
bit/sTerabit/s1e-12 Tbps1 x 10⁻¹²
bit/sPetabit/s1e-15 Pbps1 x 10⁻¹⁵
Byte per second (SI units)
bit/sbyte/s0.125 Bps1/8
bit/sKilobyte/s0.000125 KBps1/8 x 10⁻³
bit/sMegabyte/s1.25e-7 MBps1/8 x 10⁻⁶
bit/sGigabyte/s1.25e-10 GBps1/8 x 10⁻⁹
bit/sTerabyte/s1.25e-13 TBps1/8 x 10⁻¹²
bit/sPetabyte/s1.25e-16 PBps1/8 x 10⁻¹⁵
bibit per second (binary units)
bit/sKibibit/s0.00097656 Kibps1/210
bit/sMebibit/s9.5367e-7 Mibps1/220
bit/sGibibit/s9.3132e-10 Gibps1/230
bit/sTebibit/s9.0949e-13 Tibps1/240
bit/sPebibit/s8.8818e-16 Pibps1/250
bibyte per second (binary units)
bit/sKibibyte/s0.00012207 KiBps1/8 * 1/210
bit/sMebibyte/s1.1921e-7 MiBps1/8 * 1/220
bit/sGibibyte/s1.1642e-10 GiBps1/8 * 1/230
bit/sTebibyte/s1.1369e-13 TiBps1/8 * 1/240
bit/sPebibyte/s1.1102e-16 PiB1/8 * 1/250
Conversion table and formula for bit, byte, bibit, and bibyte.


How to convert from bit/s to byte/s

We know that a byte is equivalent to a collection of 8 bits that can represent meaningful information such as a character, symbol, or number. So, to convert a data transfer speed from bit/s to byte/s:

  1. Write down the transfer speed in bit/s or bps.
  2. Divide it by 8.
  3. The result is the data transfer speed in bytes per second (byte/s) or Bps.

Example 1

Bell 103 modem
Bell 103 modem[1]

Find the data transfer speed in bytes per second (Bps) of an early analog modem capable of operating at 300 bit/s.

  1. Modem transfer speed: 300 bits/s
  2. Transfer speed in Bps: 300/8
  3. Result: 37.5 bytes/s or 37.5 bps

The modem can transfer up to 37.5 Bps, equivalent to 37.5 bytes or characters in a second.

Example 2

Find the data transfer speed in Megabytes per second (MB/s or MBps) of an internet connection with a bandwidth of 80 Megabits per second (80 Mbps).

  1. Internet speed: 80 Mbps or 80,000,000 bits/s
  2. Transfer speed in Bytes per second (Bps): 10 MBps or 10,000,000 bytes/s
  3. Result: 10 MB/s or 10 MBps

So, the 80 Mbps internet speed is equivalent to 10 MB/s data transfer speed, which means you can send or receive data up to 10 MB per second.

How to convert from bit/s to binary units (KiBps, MiBps, GiBps...)

In order to convert a data transfer speed from bit/s or bps to any binary units, you will need to divide the speed by the binary prefixes instead of decimal prefixes using the following formula:

  • 1 bps = 1 / 210 = 1 / 1024 Kibps
  • 1 bps = 1 / 220 = 1 / 1,048,576 Mibps
  • So on and so forth.

To convert to byte binary units, you will also need to divide the result by 8.

  • 1 bps = 1/8 Bps = 1/8 * 1 / 210 = 1 / (8 * 1024) KiBps
  • 1 bps = 1/8 Bps = 1/8 * 1 / 220 = 1 / (8 * 1,048,576) MiBps
  • So on and so forth.

Please check the table above for a complete formula.


Find the data transfer speed in Mebibytes per second (MiB/s or MiBps) of an internet connection with a bandwidth of 80 Megabits per second (80 Mbps).

  1. Internet speed: 80 Mbps or 80,000,000 bits/s
  2. Transfer speed in Mebibytes per second (MiBps): 80,000,000 * 1/8 * 1 / 220 = 10,000,000 / 1,048,576 = 9.5367 MiBps
  3. Result: 9.5367 MiBps

So, the 80 Mbps internet speed is equivalent to 9.5367 MiB/s data transfer speed, which means you can send or receive data up to 9.5367 MiB per second.

With our calculator, you can achieve the same result in seconds by following the steps and options in the picture below.

Converting from 80 Mbps to MiBps
Converting from 80 Mbps to MiBps with our calculator.

Data Transfer Rate Converter

About this app

Data Transfer Rate Converter

Our data transfer speed converter instantly converts your entered transfer speed value to twenty-two additional units in a conversion table. We group each unit into bit, byte, bibit, and bibyte and range the value from small to big.


You can use the calculator for free as a PWA web app online or install it locally on any modern operating system, including Android, iOS, Windows 11/10, and macOS.

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1 Source

  1. ⬆️ All-TIME 100 Gadgets - TIME. Published October 25, 2010. Accessed April 24, 2024.,28804,2023689_2023708_2023715,00.html