Grams to ounces (g to oz) calculator Explained

By Last updated: March 15, 2023

Gram to Ounce (g-oz) Converter

How to convert grams to ounces?

To convert a mass or weight from gram or g to ounces or oz, follow the simple steps below:

  1. Write down the weight value in grams (g).
  2. Multiply it by the value of a gram-to-oz conversion factor: 0.035 or 0.035273962, depending on how easy or accurate the result you want to get is.
  3. The result from multiplication is the value of a mass or weight in ounces or oz.

Gram (g) to Ounce (oz) formula

Here is the formula to find the mass or weight in ounces (oz) by knowing the n-grams (g): n (g) = n × 0.035273962 (oz).

$$n\ \text{grams} = n \times 0.035273962\ \text{ounces}$$
$$n\ g = n \times 0.035273962\ oz$$

Or remember the conversion factor: 1 g = 0.035273962 oz.

$$1\ g = 0.035273962\ oz$$

Common grams to ounces (g to oz) Conversion Table

Here is the conversion table from grams (g) to ounces (oz) valued from 1 to 10. Use the table for a quick reference and remember it for everyday use.

1 g0.03527396 oz
2 g0.07054792 oz
3 g0.10582189 oz
4 g0.14109585 oz
5 g0.17636981 oz
6 g0.21164377 oz
7 g0.24691773 oz
8 g0.2821917 oz
9 g0.31746566 oz
10 g0.35273962 oz

Gram to Ounce (g-oz) Converter

Gram to Ounce (g-oz) Converter App

About this app

Our Gram to Ounces (g to oz) converter is a simple tool for converting weight or mass from grams (g) to ounces (oz) with an additional saving feature that allows you to keep track of multiple conversions for comparison.

App availability

You can use the calculator for free as a PWA web app online or install it locally on any modern operating system, including Android, iOS, Windows 11/10, and macOS.

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